| January 27, 2014 | 0 Comments

Learn How to Share Timeline Posts With Specific Friends on Facebook. You can also share your Timeline posts with specific lists like family and close friends.Facebook Logo Watch Online

If you are going to share your Timeline posts with your family or close friends then you can select these options directly from settings.Share Timeline Post from Specific People on Facebook

If you want to set different settings then you need to select “Custom” option from the following.

Now you can see different options in the list and we have selected “Specific People” or Lists because we have to set our desired settings.How to Share Timeline Posts With Specific People Friends on Facebook

Now we have selected “Shahwaz Tanveer“as an example here because we want to share our future posts only with him.How to Share Timeline Posts With Specific Friends on Facebook

Now the profile name of “Shahwaz Tanveer” has been added in this list and now we are going to save these settings to apply them on our Facebook Timeline.How to Share Timeline Posts With Specific People Friends

Now see that these settings have been saved and now “Shahwaz Tanveer” is the only person who can see our future posts on our Facebook Timeline.Share Timeline Posts With Specific People Friends on Facebook

Note: You can also add different lists that you have made on Facebook to share your posts only with them.

About the Author: Kaleem Hashmi

Share Filed in: Facebook, Facebook Privacy Settings
